Thursday, March 29, 2007

Our kids.

What you see is not always what you get.

It's thursday! Only two more days left before I head home to Pangasinan. I can't wait (to kick that son of doctor's ass). Hahaha! Kidding.

I am a college student. I should know what I want to be. That's what college is for. So why am I still confused?

Because we were never raised to think of the future. We were never really trained to prepare ourselves for what awaits us.

In the old times, children as young as seven year olds are already sent away from home to be apprentices to working men. Little girls are made to learn how to sew and do household because that is what is expected of them. However, that should not be the case today.

The point is, they already know who they are even at those tender ages.
What about us? That's is why it is hard for us. We wasted our whole life thinking about everything but our future lives. We spent them doing things that would not lead us to what we are supposed to be.

Now, we are struggling to look for our niche in the society.

This should not have been the case.

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