Sunday, July 22, 2007

I am an OK-OK.^_^

What you see is not always what you get.

I'm releasing my inner 'awk-awk'.

At last, I have reverted back to the old me (at least the old me after high school). I am proud to release the INNER AWK-AWK in me! *big CLAP*

Awk-awk = ok-ok = oc-oc = Obsessive compulsiveness. Get it?

You all know the technical meaning of this, uh, disorder. OCD, as what the National Institute of Mental Health says, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, 'is an anxiety disorder and is characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions).'

When I think of OCD, The Monk (among many) always comes into mind with his weird ways of going about his investigations.

That's the true OCD.

But I am using it in a different context. In UP context, ok-ok is the disposition of a student who seems to be caught up in detail. In a way, an ok-ok person is a perfectionist. He/She wants everything well laid out. It is as if he/she wants not only to excel academically but aesthetically as well.

I met a lot of people I consider ok-ok. I don't think it'd be taken as a compliment but I did learn a lot from them.

A good friend of mine had Arnis as her P.E. I was so impressed when I saw her Arnis bag intricately designed with circles with a gradient pink color. She said she made it with cross-stitch threads and glued them together string by string! I was so amazed that I blurted out 'Ang ok-ok!' She looked at me as if she was insulted. So, I don't really know.

Being ok-ok is fine with me. In fact, I am joyously bathing myself with the idea. I never once did anything creative or effort-oriented that I deemed unnecessary. When my classmates' books are covered with colorful papers, mine is bare. I never even had pity to cover it with plastic! Also, I'd only write my surname just to avoid losing it. IT saves time and effort. I never cared to write anything more.

Maybe because I learned more about myself, I learned how to accept who I am. I knew somewhere deep down that I am as ok-ok as anyone could be. So yes, I am a proud ok-ok. And I hope my creative juices will be sufficient for the whole college years.

Although my books are still not plastic covered, their original covers are still intact.^_^

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