Monday, May 7, 2007

Medieval Woman

What you see is not always what you get.

I am slowly learning what and how to prioritize things.

I am becoming proud of my study habits (or are they habits?) Before, I would almost never stop reviewing for the exams even if I have already gone through it a couple of times. I did this because I always thought that being from the province, I had to exert twice the effort city students did. I also thought that I would fail if I didn't. So studying was the main priority in my life.

Now, I realized that it was abnormal to do this. Normal students would go do other stuff after studying. They'd go out and have fun.

Now, I can go out and have fun without worrying about my studies. I want to be the medieval person. I want to be good in everything. (Or at least know about them.)

I want to experience life to its fullest. That is why I resolve to set my priorities as straight as it could be.

Although I am not yet used to the new study 'habit', I will master this. Haha!

Life is too short to waste on studying. Life is not about growing up, it's about having the time of your life every minute. You should not waste any minute doing something you don't want to do. If you want to bum around, then bum as much as you can! But then again, you have to also realize that you are wasting precious moments you could have used for more fruitful and satisfying things.

I love living life.

That is what's important.^_^

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