Monday, October 15, 2007

Starlight, Starbright, Stardust.

What you see is not always what you get.

It is amazing how a star can be so innocent and pure.
What star wouldn't be?
Yep, I watched Stardust. Its trailer never really made me think I'd like it but after all the positive and encouraging feedbacks I got from those who did, I dared to give it a shot.

I liked Claire Danes' role. It was so sweet and uncalculating. So innocently forward and true to oneself. The star that fell down from the vast and dark sky. Her professing of her love to a mouse! It was all so reminiscent of a dream. I wish I could have been more like her.

But that would never happen. Know why? Because I didn't grow up just watching other people's lives. I grew up and lived and felt and experienced all things good and bad.

If I had the chance to just watch, I could then be sweet and innocent and trusting.
That's not the case.

Oh, my entry's so dark. I just want to say, I loved Stardust.^_^