Saturday, September 24, 2005

I pity the man who pities himself.

My blog sucks. There's something wrong with it and i am too lazy to find out what the hell is freaking wrong. oh well..

just had a massage.feel so relaxed. still here in malasiqui.. hehe.. im using my tita's laptop and i am sleepy.
the masseuse wanted me butt-naked but as you all know, i am very shy so i said no. haha!
The mass for my grandma and my other aunt, Tita Menchu, was a very solemn one. I almost cried twice. First was at the start of the mass and second was during communion.
I told myself not to cry. haha! I was the youngest relative present. Most of them were really one. HaH! What did i expect, a bunch of kids mourning for my 82 year-old and 9 months dead grandma? *sigh* I took pictures of the house just to have hard copies of the changes. It was really depressing.
I don't understand why my blog looks like this in my aunt's laptop. The text are so thick and i can't read them anymore. Urgh! Im thinking of changing the layout. But i want to hold on to this because I worked so hard editing Maystar's layout to suit my taste. maybe i'll just fix this one up. and make another blog somewhere else where it's easier to layout.hmm..