Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Where is my hug?

What you see is not always what you get.

Back in high school, hugs were nothing but a habit. Some still think it awkward to give people some body contact even if they frequently hangout together. AS for me, high school was a hug-all-you-like era which only, of course, is given to those whom I care the most.

Of course, I loved hugging my girl friends. My fellow badings! We were always in group hugs because when two are hugging, one or two more would like to join in. I miss the group hugs, guys!

My hug-shy boys! Of course, these are my guy buddies! I remember when we used to hug them all the time and I know they were quite irritated already but, what the heck!, we are transparent and we don't give a damn what others might think. It's you guys! It's not as if we hug guy strangers, you know. I miss my guy hugs.

Who else do I hug? I remember that I also loved hugging my Hannah Banana! My oh-don't-mess-with-me-or-I'll-throw-you-to-China Hannah! I loved hugging her soft and supple body! (haha! seems like pornography! nuh-uh!) She just appears as if a hug-me-now kind of person who can make you feel happy. I don't know. That's just me, I guess.

I have also hugged a lot of people outside my little barkada including goodbye hugs, welcome back hugs, don't-cry-now hugs, and many more. Though they may be vague now, I still like to think I have made a difference in a way. Most importantly, I hope they felt what I was trying to imply.

Hugs, in high school, were taken for granted. How I wish I could return to those days when hugs were the only gesture needed to express all the things we want to say.

GOT this from LADYwhiteSPIRIT