Monday, June 5, 2006

Beauty and its Beast

and those who does not suffer the reminders of not doing anything.

Beauty. We have seen beauty in our everyday lives. But what really is beautiful? Is it the supermodels whose faces are so nice to look at and whose pictures cause envy among other people? Can one call a leper beautiful? Who makes the standards for what is beautiful?

I hear people saying you could be more beautiful if your forehead weren't so high or if your nose were more patrician. Who made them think that way? Where did it all start? How did they know that these are the attributes needed to be beautiful?

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Then why, for Pete's sakes, are there people still called ugly by the majority? Has anyone ever told dagul he is handsome? or Can we blame the public eye for doubting that teenage boy's motives for being with Madam Auring? I do not really know this but I guess someone, having different culture, would think them attractive. I guess my world's still a little bit narrow.

I think beauty is something or anything that, when seen, can make one go "aawww.." The beauty of the sky and the mountains, the beauty of the flock of birds flying and the beauty of the thunderstorms at night.

I guess some faces can make other people go "aaaw".. I know this based from my own experiences. I myself admit to being awestruck when a real beauty comes by my path.. So do I also belong to the group? Are my standards or preference for beauty influenced by the culture that I have grown accustomed to?
I guess so.
Some say Simplicity is Beauty. Then again, we meet a very arguable quote. But I have to end my incessant and useless bantering.
I'm tired. Go home.
Wait, Chito is Beauty. haha!