Sunday, May 22, 2005

My Cookie Died Not Long Ago.

Okay.. so our dog, err, puppy Cookie died.. It was so early for him but i guess we are to blame. Cookie was my two older sisters' present for my mom.. She was sent here one weekend last April. He was only four months old. HE had colds then. So we went to this vet (whom we later found out to be so STUPID) recommended by our grandma. His clinic (which was really just a space with 2 tables - one to place his tag on and the other to place the pet on during examination) was so small and so stinky. He talks as if he knew what he was talking about saying "If only we had advanced facilities here like an eye-o-scope than we could examine your dog much better." And so I go "uh-huh". Well anyway, so he gave us some meds. Vitamins and for the colds.
After a month, now May, I sort of neglected the puppy and let my dad take care of Cookie. Said he ate something we he ran out of dog food. Started vomiting and was shivering. So we went to that friggin vet again.. This was a different guy. Don't know where the other guy went. But he didn't know what to do with the dog. He didn't even know what was happening to the dog! Oh i could just kill that man! He just told us that we should leave the dog under his care, and confine him for further observations. Yeah right whatever man. Anyway, we had Cookie confined and he was not getting any better. So i told my dad to transfer Cookie to another vet. My dad asked the vet if it would be alright for Cookie to be transferred to Manila. But he said no. Argh! i hate him!!!! He said it would be too stressful for the dog. I am kinda mad at my dad for not arguing at that point. And i'm kinda mad at myself too for being so timid and quiet. Argh! I hate myself!
The next day, the frigging vet called us up and told my dad to transfer Cookie to Manila. (Wtf?!!?!?! you told us not to, and when you couldn't handle Cookie anymore, you tell us to transfer?!!?!! Ugh! I could just kill you right now!!!) And so we went early the next morn to the vet and i was so mad but i just didn't want my dad to see me so disrespectful. But i really wanted to lash out on that STUPID STUPID VET!
We went to Manila and my Cookie could not even move. When we were still at the Stupid vet's clinic, I called Cookie's name and he started to rise but he was too weak. He couldn't even close his eyes for long. He was just lying there. I even thought he was already dead if it weren't for his uneven breathing. He really was in pain. Everyone can see that.
We went to ParaƱaque, and there, they told us that the dextrose the STUPID vet gave my puppy was DEXTROSE IN WATER (I read that on the way to Manila but didn't know what it does) The new vet then put DEXTROSE IN SOMETHING SOLUTION which was what Cookie really needed. Oooh! That STUPID VET!!!!
So he told us that our Cookie should be confined and that they were going to run some blood tests to see what really was going on. Then after a few hours, we called them up and they explained that he has Parvovirus. That Cookie has so little WBC and that he has to undergo BLOOD TRANSFUSION. Then when we went home, the next day, the vet called my dad up and said he died.
He told us not to pay the vet fee and that it was okay. Unlike that STUPID VET who we all think just wanted let Cookie stay to suck money from us. I wish he would die young!

Rest in peace my Cookie.